Practical experience in assessing quality and inventiveness in public procurement. Why is this method increasingly relevant?
Do not miss the informative webinar, which will briefly introduce the foreign BEST VALUE evaluation method and experience with its practical application in public procurement in the Czech Republic.
The qualitative assessment, weighted at 70%, focuses on the level of expertise, risk and added value. An interview with key team members is also an integral part of the assessment, which can be weighted between 20-30%, the same as price. This method gives the contracting authorities the opportunity to select the bidder who is clearly qualitatively superior to the others and, in turn, allows the bidders to demonstrate what they can do. This is the perfect method for introducing new innovative approaches and technologies.
The evaluation according to this method is fully compatible with European and national public procurement regulations. In the Czech Republic, a number of contracting authorities in the Ministry of Transport and Masaryk University in the academic sphere have already experienced the pilot use of this method.
09:00 Opening – The importance of invention and quality assessment in public procurement
09:15 Introduction to the Best Value method – foreign experience
10:40 The Best Value method in the context of Czech public procurement
11:10 Pilot application of Best Value in academia
11:30 Experience with Best Value in the preparation of high-speed lines
11:40 Discussion
12:00 Concluding remarks
The webinar will feature:
Johannes Hiemstra, Best Value Group
Josef Hlavicka, AK HAVEL & PARTNERS
Martin Hadas, Masaryk University
Martin Svehlik, Railway administration
The webinar will be moderated by Michal Petrik, publisher of Verejne zakazky magazine, and Tomas Janeba, president of ARI.