Contracting & Financing Options for the Czech High-Speed Rail
This international forum is a part of two-day event the Czech-French Railway Days 2023 of the Embassy of France in Prague and Business France Czech Republic.
The new High-Speed Rail (HSR) is of critically need in the Czech Republic, as the capacity of the existing conventional rail lines on the main corridors, whose foundations were laid 180 years ago, has reached its maximum. The new HSR program will not only bring new lines, but it will also free up capacity for regional trains and especially freight traffic. It is also important for the long-distance Trans-European connections between Berlin-Prague-Vienna/Bratislava and the Baltic States-Warsaw- Brno-Vienna/Bratislava.
The HSR program involves development of 780 km of the new railway lines with a maximum speed up to 350 km/h based on SNCF’s standards. According to the current plan, 70 % of the HSR total investment program of €50 billion will be concentrated between years 2025-2035. In this period the HSR annual CAPEX needs of €5 billion will exceed the 10y historical average capital railway spending 5 times.
Given the unprecedented investment program, the private capital will undoubtedly play a key role in the delivery of the HSR program. Currently, the Czech Ministry of Transport is considering its potential strategic options for financing, and it is also testing feasibility for two pilot rail projects on a conventional network.
The Forum will take place on Thursday 9 June 2023 at 9:00 a.m. in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, room 205. The first panel, The Czech High-Speed Rail Strategy in the Context of Europe, will present lessons learned from delivery and financing HSR in France and Great Britain and the second panel, Financing Models for High-Speed Rail, will present the future trends: sustainable finance, green Bonds and private capital.
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