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Buildings account for approximately 40 % of the EU´s energy consumption and 36 % of CO2emissions. Accelerating the renovation of buildings is therefore one of the main pillars of the Green Deal for Europe.
Buildings are the largest consumer of energy in the European Union. With 40 % energy consumption, they also overtook transport sector in this direction. Because of their energy intensity, buildings are the key to tackling climate change, and their renovation will significantly help to achieve climate neutrality. The announced accelerated renovation of buildings, called the “Renovation Wave”, is a new plan under the Green Deal for Europe, which aims to renovate 35 million energy-inefficient buildings by 2030. Reducing the energy intensity of buildings also means lower energy consumption and cost savings, higher use of energy from renewables, modern district heating and cooling, advanced waste management, sustainable mobility and social cohesion.

The policy area of building renovation is not new in the EU and has historically been tackled by the Energy Performance in Buildings Directive (EPBD, (EU) 2018/844). Renovation of buildings took on even greater importance in the context of the Recovery Plan following the Covid-19 crisis. This is because renovation work can create jobs, boost the economy and also achieve specific, relevant sustainability goals, such as energy efficiency. It is expected up to 160,000 new jobs are created in the construction sector by 2030, energy poverty will be reduced and the quality of life of the EU population will increase.

Buildings-related legislation in the EU already requires all Member States to prepare and implement long-term renovation strategies for the renovation of their building stock to become highly energy efficient and decarbonised by 2050 – in effect making the whole building stock comply with nearly zero-energy performance levels (nZEB).

Very important is to apply the energy efficiency first principle to significantly reduce primary energy consumption in building stock; scale up good practice experiences to fund successful, innovative research into how to deep energy renovate buildings and impose obligations to renovate defined segments of the building stock to an ambitious energy performance requirement, e.g. office buildings. The aim will be to at least double the annual renovation rate of the existing building stock.

In the Czech republic focus on buildings


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Ing. Jan Pejter

Ing. Jan Pejter

Area Leader on “Green Cities” and Theme Lead on “Energy” and “Buildings”

Divisional Director and Senior consultant


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