Practical experience of using private sector invention and capital to deliver public services.
Parking is one of the basic needs facing all cities. Some are tackling it purely on their own, some have already hired private partners for more efficient implementation. The needs of city centres and residential areas are different in terms of parking, and the willingness to pay for parking is also different. The use of concessions/PPPs for parking is common abroad. Even in our country there are first swallows, e.g. in Hradec Králové and Plzeň. Let’s take a look at what these projects are facing and whether the related expectations of cities and private partners are being met.
- Present and vision – parking as a service?
- Are parking houses self-financing?
- What are the new technologies in parking?
- Experiences from Czech PPP projects and what recommendations do we have?
- What does parking look like in the 21st century? Are Smart City solutions a technology or a system?
- Is parking a good candidate for PPP?
- Michal Tesař, NEWTON Business Development
- Jan Drbohlav, ELTODO
- Michal Kaizar, ISP Hradec Králové
The moderators of the debate will be David Petr, CZECHINVEST and Tomáš Janeba, ARI.
The series of panel discussions on PPP IN PRACTICE is brought to you by the Association for Infrastructure Development and the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the investment agency CZECHINVEST. The series is part of the year-long Green, Smart, Resilient and Inclusive Cities for 2021 series.