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RETHINK: Innovation Forum on Climate Change and Energy Security

Climate change and energy security are major and very urgent challenges to our prosperity and quality of life. Major companies in the Czech Republic have therefore decided to join forces and work together through the RETHINK project:

  • to address and promote appropriate measures to combat climate change and
  • in finding ways to strengthen our resilience to energy shortages, high energy prices and external energy supply disruptions.

The RETHINK project, created by the Czech Business Council for Sustainable Development (CBCSD) and supported by many leading companies as well as partner associations and NGOs in the Czech Republic, is an initiative led by CEOs of like-minded companies committed to a successful transition to a climate neutral (Net Zero) economy by implementing effective, practical and measurable solutions.

RETHINKING THE WAY WE DO BUSINESS. A statement from the Czech business community in support of the climate goals of the Paris Agreement and the Glasgow Climate Pact can be read and downloaded HERE.

The Innovation Forum on Climate Change and Energy Security (“Forum“) is the first public event of the RETHINK project. It is intended to show concrete ways in which companies operating in the Czech Republic are rethinking the way they do business to ensure their long-term sustainability, resilience and competitiveness, and thus also contribute to greater prosperity, stability, environmental protection and social maturity of Czech society. This event will provide an opportunity to learn about current innovative approaches to climate neutrality (Net Zero) and energy security, as well as an opportunity to share ideas on how to benefit from the transition to a carbon-free economy across selected sectors of the Czech economy.

With growing evidence that climate change poses both significant systemic financial and business risks (but also a source of new business opportunities and innovation), the RETHINK project reflects the imperative for the Czech business community to play a proactive role in protecting the long-term economic, social and environmental prosperity and competitiveness of the Czech Republic.

The Forum consists of six thematic panels in which top executives from major innovative companies operating in the Czech Republic will present modern solutions and discuss the topics of energy security and decarbonisation, transport and mobility, buildings and construction, circular economy, water and ESG, and sustainable finance.

The need for real energy security, driven by current world events, adds a new and urgent impetus to a well-thought-out reduction of our dependence on fossil fuels. This makes the Forum, whose premises have been kindly provided by the French Institute in Prague, particularly timely and valuable.


Basic information


150+, including senior representatives:

  • Czech-based entrepreneurs across the energy, transport, water, waste management, buildings and construction and financial sectors, including CEOs and executives
  • private and public sector associations
  • civil society organisations
  • embassies and foreign chambers of commerce
  • investors, owners and asset managers
  • international financial institutions and international intergovernmental organisations
  • manufacturers and suppliers of sustainability solutions, in particular technology companies
  • Czech public sector (Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Czech regions, cities and municipalities


90 % private sector | 10 % public sector


Czech and English (English will be simultaneously interpreted into Czech and vice versa)

Participation fee

CBCSD members: free of charge (2 persons), non-CBCSD members: 2 400 CZK + VAT (21%) per person


To be registered and notified of updates, register for the event HERE

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Opening and introductory words, Peter J. Kalas, President, CBCSD

Veronique Debord-Lazaro, Science Attaché, French Embassy in Prague

Words of support for the RETHINK project by partner associations

Moderated by Zuzana Krejcirikova, Vice President of CBCSD, (CEZ)

Jiri Mlynar, Head of Energy Purchase, E.ON

Jan Grundel, Industry Sales Leader, Schneider Electric

Jaromir Vorel, CEO, SKOENERGO

Eva Polanska, Head of Strategy and M&A, Prazska energetika

Martin Ruzicka, Director of Development, Technologies and Efficiency Division, Unipetrol

Guest Panellist: Jan Harnych, Energy Sector Manager, Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic

moderated by Petr Dovolil, Member of CBCSD Presidium (PwC)

Roman Koksal, CEO, Siemens Mobility

Karel Novak, Head of Product Platforms, IVECO

Ondrej Pribyl, Dean, Faculty of Transportation Sciences of the Czech Technical University in Prague

Veronika Marcekova, Sustainability Project Manager, SKODA AUTO

Guest Panellist: Katerina Davidova, Manager, Center for Transport and Energy

moderated by Petr Matyas, COB, Czech BIM Council – buildingSMART Czech Republic (di5 architekti, inzenyri)

Filip Krestan, Production Director, Metrostav

Petr Stepanek, Czech Technical University in Prague

Ondrej Sramek, Director Corporate Affairs Eastern Europe, Knauf Insulation

Lukas Tuma, Head of Design, Strabag

Guest Panellist: Jiri Nouza, President, Association of Building Entrepreneurs of the Czech Republic (ABE)

moderated by Peter J. Kalas, President of CBCSD

Marie Logrova, PR Manager, MALFINI

Pavel Zednicek, Executive and Financial Director, Incien

Roman Snop, Head of R&D, CEZ Energeticke produkty

Barbora Kotoun, Sustainability Manager CEE, IKEA

Guest Panellist: Jan Gemrich, Executive Secretary, Cement Producers Association CZ

moderated by Petr Dovolil, Member of CBCSD Presidium (PwC)

Pavel Valek, COB, Prague Water Management Company Jaroslav, Duris, CEO, WERO Energy

Tomas Pesek, Business Development Manager, REMA

AJ „Reda Rahma, CEO, Veolia Energy

Guest Panellist: Filip Wanner, Member of the Commission for Wastewater Treatment Plants, The Water Supply and Sewerage Association of the Czech Republic

moderated by Hana Kovarova, Member of CBCSD Presidium, Komercni banka (KB)

BNP Paribas

Magdalena Radova, Impact & Investment Manager, Tilia Impact Ventures

Eva Bucova, Sustainability Committee Chair, ING (representative of Change for Better)

Jan Brazda, Partner (Czech ESG&Public Sector and CEE Infrastructure Finance Lead), PwC

Guest Panellist: Andrea Ferjencikova, EIB Group Representative in Czechia, European Investment Bank

Video contribution, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

Jonathan Wootliff, RETHINK Ambassador

Eva Volfova, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Environment

Peter J. Kalas, President, CBCSD

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