Practical experience of using private sector invention and capital to deliver public services.
There is little doubt that the availability of quality housing has a significant impact on family stability, health, education and ultimately the economic prosperity of a country. Yet the situation has been rather worse in recent years, with housing costs rising sharply, new housing capacity being added at a slow pace, and the ‘poverty trade’ rampant. The burden of providing social/affordable housing has been placed on the shoulders of municipalities. They face, among other things, a lack of legislative support (in the absence of an Affordable Housing Act), lack of resources (human and/or financial) or experience. Joining forces with the private sector, using its experience and capital, offers an opportunity to overcome these problems. Since experience in this area is limited in the Czech Republic, we will look to Ireland, the UK, France, and our neighbours for inspiration. We will take a closer look at the advantages and limitations of a comprehensive PPP solution.
Topics of discussion:
- Present and vision of affordable housing in cities
- How do we address affordable housing beyond our borders?
- Why join forces with the private sector?
- Opportunities and limitations of the current regulatory environment
- A comprehensive solution – the Irish model – benefits and limitations
In the panel discussion you can look forward to:
- Marc Derycke, PPP Expert, European PPP Expert Centre – European Investment Bank
- Jack McInerney, Director, BTY
- David Delgado Romero, Director, Central and Eastern Europe Region, Meridiam
- Jan Brázda, Infrastructure Partner, CEE Region, PwC
- Martin Červinka, Deputy Director, Prague Development Company
- Martin Kloda, Project Manager, Prague Development Company
- Lukáš Grůza, Špitálka project manager, Brno City Council
- Michal Janíček, Attorney at Law, Noerr
- David Petr, Director of Business Localisation, CZECHINVEST
The moderator of the debate is Tomáš Janeba, ARI.
The series of panel discussions on PPP IN PRACTICE is brought to you by the Association for Infrastructure Development and the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the investment agency CZECHINVEST. The series is part of the year-long Green, Smart, Resilient and Inclusive Cities for 2021 series.